
Showing posts from December, 2017


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Make No Mistakes---Fighting The Destiny

It all started on  one fateful evening during the month of march 1998 that a cyclist while trying to cross over my pedestrian wife hit her on the back. My wife felt the pain and got collapsed.I suddenly drove her to the nearby clinic and all the firsr aids were given.Days passed and she used to limp her legs as if she was deformed.she thought that it was better to consult an "ortho" and we followed . He prescribed medicines and pain killers. Months passed and no real relief was in the offing.Meanwhile her leg joints  started developing the  swellings and she became unconsolable as the pain was excruciating and dampening her spirit as well. By december 1998 , I was away at Tuticorin on promotion . As I was placed there , I was unable to get in touch with her all the time as there was no internet and cell phones at that time. I used  to book trunk dialling and when we talked,  the real story was not revealed to me since my parents and in laws thought tha...