Make No Mistakes---Fighting The Destiny

It all started on  one fateful evening during the month of march 1998 that a cyclist while trying to cross over my pedestrian wife hit her on the back.

My wife felt the pain and got collapsed.I suddenly drove her to the nearby clinic and all the firsr aids were given.Days passed and she used to limp her legs as if she was deformed.she thought that it was better to consult an "ortho" and we followed . He prescribed medicines and pain killers.

Months passed and no real relief was in the offing.Meanwhile her leg joints  started developing the  swellings and she became unconsolable as the pain was excruciating and dampening her spirit as well.

By december 1998 , I was away at Tuticorin on promotion . As I was placed there , I was unable to get in touch with her all the time as there was no internet and cell phones at that time.

I used  to book trunk dialling and when we talked,  the real story was not revealed to me since my parents and in laws thought that I too would be depressed.

What was more depressing was that one fine morning on march 1999 , she could barely wakeup , only her weeping sounds heared as it was routine to  petrol  all the nights by me, my in law, my daughter to look after her needs all by bedside.

We tried our level best to put her on her pedestal and slided her to comfort with much diificulties.

God only knew what went wrong .All the while we decided to consult neurologist who suggested all the medicines for general health improvements as she was pale and anaemic and nothing substantial could be achieved by the way and we went from pillar to post to know what had really happened.

When she developed fever ostensibly by evening, and fever becoming subdued in the morning ,we went clueless.

In the meantime, her joints ( legs and hands ) started showing  inflammatory aigns and it was horror all the way as every minutes passed.

Once we realized , something not related to bones or  nerves we shifted the gears and by the advise of my father's friend , we met Dr. Panchapakesa Rajendran based at chennai.

He was the one who identified the illness as "rhematoid arthiritis " and acted like a father figure  consoling my wife all the with positivity.

If at all we did not meetup with him , during the year 2001, ( i was transfered back to ayyampet on request , thanks to the management ) my wife would have been crippled for life .

For the last 16 years since 2001 , we used to consult him every two months and followed his advise like sermons as the disease would otherwise be calling the shots towards mortality.

The sudden mix up which started between june 1999 and dec 2000 were the untold tales and could ever be told . If at all to be described , it should have been  just called "horrifying ", "alarming" , "appalling" and " atrocious" to say the least.It was a nightmare for all of us. To put it short , my wish would be that it was an  experience "not to  be" experienced by the affected .

We looked for PANACEA everywhere and sought SOLACE from every quarter from Ayurvedic , Sidda , and unconventional methods like going after QUACKS who made use of our innocense to spill the beans like pointing the origin of the disease to  the worms at stomach which were cleaned  as if they were the villains and  finally we were  back to sqare one - Allopathy.

One thing that is certain to be reminded is that we went to Kottakkal Ayurvedic Centre for containg the Rhematoid Fever . They finally succeeded in controlling the disease and ending our  ordeals by their systematic approach which lasted for 1 months and we pursued it for 3 years in a row between 2002 and 2005.

Why I am telling all these things is not to elicit sympathy but to make people aware of this dreadful disease which if " not treated " properly would ease out the functions of lungs, liver, hearts to final destination - Graveyard.

We have to make corrections to contain the illness by taking the correct medicines , consulting the doctors regularly, following the systematic food habbits , doing exercises and finding peace with ONE SELF and believing in ONE SELF.

The illness comes when the joints become inflammatory and fluid that lubricates the movements of joints ( synovial fluid ) becomes dried up.

My final request to all those affected by the disease is that
1.belive in one self,
2.believe that arthiritis is not a disease, but an illness,
3.believe that the illness is manageable,
4.develop the will power,
5.believe in god and thank him  that we are fortunate to have a manageable thing, the right thing at right time ( from intake of medicines to doing exercises,
7. and finally lead a healty and happy life at your command.

Thankfully Yours,

SelvaRaj .

Foot Note : The above story was released to the public with the consent of my wife who  eventually had won the battle with aplomb for the benefit of  readers to carry forward their task for their loved ones like fathes,, mothers,daughters, sisters, spouses, in laws ,nephews, nieces etc..


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