"DOCTORS VS JUDGES": Judiciary should also come under CPA (Consumer Protection Act). --In the Salman Khan hit and run case the LOWER court judge and the HIGH court judge had the SAME pieces of EVIDENCE to deal with. --They also had the SAME Indian LAW to abide by and most probably they had similar education qualifications too. --Yet they INTERPRETED the situation in absolutely CONTRASTING manner and gave verdicts which are poles apart. --Just imagine what would have happened if a YOUNG doctor sitting in a GOVERNMENT hospital doctor catering to hundreds of patients in a day had diagnosed a celebrity patient presenting with gastric discomfort as GASTRITIS and another hospital had LATER on diagnosed that patient to be having a MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. I am sure that doctor would have been screwed and jailed. --A JUDGE gets YEARS to decide on a case unlike a DOCTOR who is expected to diagnose and treat everything in the BLINK of an eye. --If a doctor making a wro...