*What is ORAC ?* Must read *Please read this without fail, only 30 seconds..* *ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.* *Higher ORAC, Better will be oxygen carrying capacity of blood & Lungs oxygen capacity.* *In the Future, our survival will be based on our Immunity* *Why spices are important for our Life? Look at their ORAC Values....π* *Clove : 314,446 ORAC* *Cinnamon : 267,537 ORAC* *Turmeric : 102,700 ORAC* *Cocoa : 80,933 ORAC* *Cumin : 76,800 ORAC* *Parsley : 74,349 ORAC* *Tulsi : 67,553 ORAC* *Thyme : 27,426ORAC* *Ginger : 28,811 ORAC* *Extracts of Ginger , Tulsi, Turmeric are at least 10 times higher ORAC Values. That's how they become effective.* *OXYGEN CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE BLOOD CAN BE ENHANCED USING NATURAL FRUITS, VEGETABLES, SPICES, HERBS ....THAT HAVE HIGH ORAC VALUE !* *OXYGEN RADICAL ABSORBANCE CAPACITY* *PREVENTS : C...