G N C diary


  1. உங்கள் நினைவுகள் மிகவும் அருமை

  2. நன்றி. உங்களின் Blog site பார்த்தேன். 6 ம் வகுப்பு முதல் broad crumbs வரை எல்லா துறைகளிலும் நல்ல பயன் உள்ள கல்வியை தேர்ந்து எடுத்து மக்களுக்கு சேவை புரிந்து வருகிறார். வணக்கம்.

    பணி தொடர வாழ்த்து.

    செல்வராஜ் ராமன்.

  3. Universal calling?

    It is often said that meditation is life. Life is meditation in progress.

    It is not that it has to be practiced with postures and timings and all that stuff.

    What is necessary is doing things with love.

    It means ultimately that love to live. Live fully and whole heartedly without pre judgement and prejudices.

    Spiritual experience is unique to every individual.

    It can only be experienced.

    Explanation may be patchy and impaired if shared.

    In most cases it is misunderstood.

    So the followers might get offended by misinformation in the process.

    The quest for peace is karma which is doing things with EASE.

    Ease of doing comes with patience and understanding which is nothing but to be fully aware of our actions with mindfulness and attention.

    Time is calling if one is eager to travel through TIMES.

    It is answering to our INNER CALLS by posts we get , voices we hear , news we see, books we read...


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