croping in our lands of HANDS


The Director,
Publications Division,
Food and Agriculture Organization of  the United Nations,
vis Delle Terme Di,
00100 Rome , Italy.


18- 1 / 1366,
Nellukadai Street,
Kumbakonam – 612 001.
Thanjavur District,
Tamilnadu- India.

                   Your take on Agriculture, it's produce, implementation,infra structure, components, organic ,inorganic parts & soil , finally marketing have made me think ,observe & execute the plans accoring to  resourses available to meet the ends.
                     First & foremost , I must introduce myself . I am hailing from the city – Kumbakonam , known for it's rich culture , heritage & "Mahamaham" which is an occurance happening at our Temple City once in "12"years and there would be convergence of people of all hues and colours spread across india to have a "Holy Dip " out there @ Tank called Maha (Big in Tamil,) Maham ( Culmination & Wiping off sins of the past).

                                            Another interesting facet about our Temple City ( hundreds of temples)is that it is seated in Tanjore District , known for "Big Temple" – protected by archealogical society of india – built by famous king Raja Raja Cholan over 1000 years ago.

Coming to the point , our's is a Rice Granary producing Rice all throught the year.

Our method of cultivation is divided into "Three Phases" .
Phase 1 "kuruvai"--- short term crop ( cultivation of Rice ). The season starts from May and ends by July lasting for 90 days.

Phase 2 :--" Samba " cultivation ( long term varieties of paddy seeds sown ). The season starts from August and ends by November. -
120 days to be precise.

Phase 3 - "Thaladi " :- After Samba being harvested in January , the barren land is laid to rest for a month and then it has been subjected to rotation of crops like millets, pulses, cereals..etc.

Our culture testifies the fact that the onset of Monsoon brings farmers of delta region to go for Samba ( the North easr monsoon starts from october to Decembar ) and with the advent of winter in January , the cultivation would be over.

We celebrate the culmination of monsoon as PONGAL , the festival of farmers wherein Tamils all over the world celebrate inviting all and sundry showing Universal Brotherhood and Love.

As it is our tradition to engage cows , bulls in agriculture , these animals are very much revered by a Day called MATTU PONGAL. In which the WORLD FAMOUS - JALLIKATTU is taking place.

Though Tractors , Pumpsets ,Sowing and Weeding Machines have comein handy,we as a population to a large extent depend on CAUVERY RIVER which traverses across the length and breadth of Tamilnadu from place of origin - COORGE in karnataka to POOMPUHAR in Tamilnadu.

Poompuhar is a historic place in the sense that it was @ Poompuhar , our great woman warrior KANNAGI was laid to rest.

Kannagi is a revered tamil woman and she fought a great lonely battle against the mighty king of Madurai where her husband KOVALAN (.READ EPIC - SILAPATHUGARAM )was being prosecuted without trial by the then ruler..

The ruler of Madurai ( the place where the world famous Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple located )realised his folly much to the disdain
Of entire Madurai which was set ablaze by the RING WORN BY KANNAGI who threw it cursing the place to FLAMES.
That is the reason why infidility is a taboo for tamils and virginity is a way of life for tamilwomen before marriage.

So to say we. all invite you to join us and feedback your knowledge and acumen for feeding the world at LARGE.

yours in service


Date 26.11.2016


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