From Robin Sharma - best selling author...

25 micro-habits worth installing
Hi Selvaraj! A rich message for you today so let’s jump right in!


You’ll find the 25 little habits below worth practicing (pick the few that are best for you to start into, of course): 

1. Starting your day with the sweaty exercise that elevates the tone of your entire day.


2. Writing handwritten thank you notes to people who’ve helped you. So powerful (and decent).


3. Reading for 15 minutes each evening.


4. Having a reward meal after a week of eating clean. [Balance is wise, yes?].


5. Checking your work before you send it. Typos show carelessness and the way you do one thing sets up the way you do everything!


6. Greeting people with a sincere compliment.


7. Using people’s names when in conversations with them. Not so common yet important.


8. Giving your customers more than they expected. You’re in the magic business. So delight the people who put food on your family table. Please.


9. Meditating for 15 minutes each evening.


10. Picking fresh flowers. [I just picked some rosemary stems with the little purple flowers of an incoming Spring on them; made my morning!].


11. Going a week without sugar (and a month without complaining).


12. Scheduling each week Sunday morning.


13. Walking 10,000 steps a day.


14. Doing 50 pushups while you’re waiting for the coffee machine to turn green. How about we work up to 100 together?

15. Bringing a gift to someone that you’re meeting for the first time (a book is always great).


16. Not using swear words as each word you speak has an effect. And swearing at work and before clients is unprofessional.


17. Helping anyone you see in need. Immediately (so the threat of rejection doesn’t stop your goodness).


18. Take a cold shower 5 days a week.


19. Take a hot bath most evenings (while a wise audiobook plays). Add a bag of epsom salt if you really want to get into top health.


20. Tell your loved ones you love them every time you leave them. Who knows what tomorrow brings.


21. Smile at elderly people. They’ve got such wisdom within them. Let us honor this, silently.


22. Say please and thank you.


23. Sleep a little earlier so you can get up a little earlier. And join The 5AM Club if you haven’t. Deep thanks to all my readers for making this one of the bestselling books in the world right now. I’m so grateful.


24. Don’t check your phone when you’re in front of another human.


25. When you talk to yourself, say good things. 



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