god of many things

all my fellow human beings.......

i am a voracious reader. i love to be remembered as a creator in the field of journalism. my goal is to make people aware of their surroundings and try to make the best use of the potentials available to them and lead of a life of their own .

may god be with me in my persuit to explore the world at large.

there is so much joy and happiness in living and caring about our kith and kin.

the cleanliness starts from home. let us make the world a better place to live in.

my concern is about degradation and denudation of green cover from the surface of the earth.

what the hell we are doing . is it in the name of development?
utter nonsense.

the words we speak , the action we do , the deeds we execute are complicit in nature.

sir, i am not a preacher , neither do i need to become one.

simply put i am a nomad.
i want to live the life to the fullest by showing compassion  and care .

see how we are going about doing things . we impose education on our children .

in the name of competition , the child is losing his or her childhood. in other words , the education is hoodwicked thereby paving the way for society to be selfish instead of being self reliant.

i am not rationalizing my thoughts but making a point to ponder over in other fields as well.

my heart bleeds when i see refugees being driven from one part of the world to another. is it the fault of their own making.

think of larger issues involved.
develop a society imbibing the values of free thinking .

let our language be HUMOUR.

let our religion be HUMILITY

let our caste be HUMANISTIC.

if that be the case every one would beat the foe of unbeatable foe within

if that be the case every one would scale the height of unscaleable height within

if that be the case every one would  dream the dream of undreamable dreams.

in the words of swami Vivekanander - rhe great saint India got and Dr Abdul Kalam- People's president of India...

Try to Dream.

Let your Dreams become Actions.

Let your Actions become Deeds.

Let Your Deeds Decide Your Destiny.

Let your Dreams , Actions , Deeds and Destiny  become Habits.

Let Habits become Way Of Life.

Let Your Way Of Life Change THE WORLD ORDER.



thanks for listening .

yours in love



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