sci fiction

My Dearest,

i just want to kindle the scientific fervour in you.(spread this to your friends)

this is scientific engineering.

i aired my thoughts decades ago as a fervent student of zoology.

genes make up DNA which is a familiar term now as it is being used to determine hierarchy. treachery etc.

genes are made up of purines and pyramidines.

there r purine & pyrimidine in sequence in DNP which is arranged in the form of Twisted Ladder.-Double Helix as it is called.

Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside)

cytocin & thymin r pyrimidine.(Necleotide)

All the terms cited above are nothing but nuclelic acids with different combinations of nitrates and phosphates.

Alignment of purin &pyrimidine
make nucleoside& nucleotide in
D N A to carry out specific function.

each function if our body is controlled by set of genes which are inturn are under the influence of four magic chemicals namely
Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside) cytocin & thymin r pyrimidine.(Necleotide).

My contention is if something happens to structural patterns, manifestation of disease occurs.

By so arranging the texture as it were before , whether one could get the functionality back to square one.

I am sounding as simple as that.

Is it so?

it is as simple and complicated as ageing which is naturl and atleast for now can not be stoped.

god bless young and old alike  to have right set of genes without impairments.

the world's scientific community is working on the above formula of bring back right alingnment for every impairment and every patern be it behavioral to sexual is studied and coded .

let us what shall human do with limitations imposed ?

my id

date 08.04.2017


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