
the compassion is all encompassing.

"can any one imagine a person loaning his earnings to poor & unfortunate with out documentations !? "yes indeed he was a banker  but he banked on the trust &good will of people &earned the co-operation which could never be compensated. HE  was none other a person called padmanabhan-swamiji padmanabhanji to his devotees. He served Indian over seas bank at vishnupuram near nachiarkoil until 1990s.   H e used to read from osho to bhagavatham. One day he happened to hear the speeches of paranoor krishnapremi and he got the transformation he needed. "what is going to happen is always going to happen"-bhagawat geeta. He was willed to become sanyasin and peers' pressure to get him married only ended in an ashram called "kottaiyur kudil" way back in 1920s, the kudil was founded by anna- raman anna . He was affectionately called 'Anna's by people of the village kottaiyur,some 5 kms away from kumbakonam. until he attained prana...

sci fiction

My Dearest, i just want to kindle the scientific fervour in you.(spread this to your friends) this is scientific engineering. i aired my thoughts decades ago as a fervent student of zoology. genes make up DNA which is a familiar term now as it is being used to determine hierarchy. treachery etc. genes are made up of purines and pyramidines. there r purine & pyrimidine in sequence in DNP which is arranged in the form of Twisted Ladder.-Double Helix as it is called. Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside) cytocin & thymin r pyrimidine.(Necleotide) All the terms cited above are nothing but nuclelic acids with different combinations of nitrates and phosphates. Alignment of purin &pyrimidine make nucleoside& nucleotide in D N A to carry out specific function. each function if our body is controlled by set of genes which are inturn are under the influence of four magic chemicals namely Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside) cyto...

sci fiction

My Dearest, i just want to kindle the scientific fervour in you.(spread this to your friends) this is scientific engineering. i aired my thoughts decades ago as a fervent student of zoology. genes make up DNA which is a familiar term now as it is being used to determine hierarchy. treachery etc. genes are made up of purines and pyramidines. there r purine & pyrimidine in sequence in DNP which is arranged in the form of Twisted Ladder.-Double Helix as it is called. Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside) cytocin & thymin r pyrimidine.(Necleotide) All the terms cited above are nothing but nuclelic acids with different combinations of nitrates and phosphates. Alignment of purin &pyrimidine make nucleoside& nucleotide in D N A to carry out specific function. each function if our body is controlled by set of genes which are inturn are under the influence of four magic chemicals namely Adenins& guanin  r purines , (Necleoside) cyto...

Nature and it's Fury

I am a natural lover loving to live in this world without finding reasons for my state of affairs that I am solely in for the reason that being in present is the vital for any organism to survive leave alone competing because the world now is laced with lust for power ,money, nepotism ,total disregard for conservation of trees which are the dangerous trends ,I am treading along to spread the message with vigour and vitality. May I see you filled with contentment in life. ok. some people argue that the development and change of world order do stop if we are content with what we have. That is not the case. My statement is as simple as that:  we should imbibe value system in the society for which we should study the way our fore fathers lived and we should ingrind in them the modern scientific thoughts to make the world a better place to live. For that order to happen ,we must respect each other and give each person the dues he deserves in spite of the works that he or s...

our mother - god to us.

I Left My Mother In Lurch date 09.06.2016 It is the story of My Mother aged 75 being treated callously by Doctors at Multi Speciality Hospital at Tanjore. My mother was in all pain when I visited her around 7.30 am.., sunday morning on 08.05.2016. She was not feeling well and had difficulty in breathing .As I was emotionally charged and sunday being holiday and no specialist available in kumbakonam . I decided to take my mother to Tanjore by car along with father and brother. We eventually reached Tanjore by 9.30 am and after priliminary enquiry , my mother was examined at Emergency ward . E C G and ECO were taken and No concrete answar was available from them. They only threatened to have my mother admitted in I C U failing which the life of the patient could not be assured. Being the poor guys with no intention of arguments , we obliged. The sunday went by and the so called cardiologist was not available on that day. By monday  9th , he made an appearanc...

croping in our lands of HANDS

To, The Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of  the United Nations, vis Delle Terme Di, Caracalla, 00100 Rome , Italy. From R.Selvaraj, 18- 1 / 1366, Nellukadai Street, Kumbakonam – 612 001. Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu- India. Sir,                    Your take on Agriculture, it's produce, implementation,infra structure, components, organic ,inorganic parts & soil , finally marketing have made me think ,observe & execute the plans accoring to  resourses available to meet the ends.                      First & foremost , I must introduce myself . I am hailing from the city – Kumbakonam , known for it's rich culture , heritage & "Mahamaham" which is an occurance happening at our Temple City once in "12"years and there would be convergence of people of all hues and colours spread across india to have a "Holy...

god of many things

To all my fellow human beings....... i am a voracious reader. i love to be remembered as a creator in the field of journalism. my goal is to make people aware of their surroundings and try to make the best use of the potentials available to them and lead of a life of their own . may god be with me in my persuit to explore the world at large. there is so much joy and happiness in living and caring about our kith and kin. the cleanliness starts from home. let us make the world a better place to live in. my concern is about degradation and denudation of green cover from the surface of the earth. what the hell we are doing . is it in the name of development? utter nonsense. the words we speak , the action we do , the deeds we execute are complicit in nature. sir, i am not a preacher , neither do i need to become one. simply put i am a nomad. i want to live the life to the fullest by showing compassion  and care . see how we are going about doing things . we impo...